What you will find here and some important words.
In this section you will find materials to download and use in class.
- Print friendly PDF of all the commentaries.
- Print friendly PDF's of all the questions from the quizzes throughout this course, including answer keys; the chapter quizzes, the image quizzes and the translation quiz.
- Print friendly Crosswords, including answer keys.
- Illustrations.
- The Latin transcription from all the summary-videos.
- Print friendly PDF of the History lessons from the course.
- Print friendly PDF of all the dialogues.
- Exercises for the book that can be used in classroom teaching.
Also, remember that the wordlist from the introduction section is downloadable. So are all the Litterae Latinae with original Latin.
Feel free to use everything in class!
However, please keep this for teaching your classes. Latinitium holds the copyright to all of this, so as you are free to use this for teaching your students, you are not allowed to use it in commercial purposes, nor share beyond your students.